"How to be a 20-something."


"Date people who you know you'll never be able to love. See someone for three months for no other reason than because it’s winter and you want to keep warm by holding another body. Date a Republican just so you can say you dated a Republican.

Eventually all these nobodies will make you crave a somebody. Have a real relationship with someone. Go on vacations together, exchange house keys, cry in their arms after a demoralizing day at work. Think about marrying them and maybe even get engaged. Regardless of the outcome, feel proud of yourself for being able to love someone in a healthy way.

Start your twenties with a lot of friends and leave with a few good ones. What happened? People faded away into their careers and relationships. Fights were had and never resolved. Shit happens.

Think of yourself at twenty and hanging out with people who didn’t mean a thing to you. Think about writing papers, about being promiscuous, about trying new things. Think of yourself now and your face looking different and your body feeling different and how everything is just different."


visdomsord från någon random person ingen av oss någonsin kommer träffa

Postat av: Lina

Wow! :D Ny blogg och grejer! :D

Prepare to get stalked girl! :D


Förresten så var det blött, ;) Inte svettigt ;) haha :D

2011-01-02 @ 13:51:46
URL: http://linaedgar.blogg.se/

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